Pro CISO® Promotions

Special offers, trials and free proof of value sample reports for managed services.

Free 15 day PoV
Non-intrusive API integration is activated in 1 hour. Receive a report that will either validate your current anti-Phishing solution, or shock you with its results! 

Email Security and AI anti-Phishing

Phishing is the entry point for many Cybersecurity attacks, such as Ransomware, CxO Impersonation, Harvesting of Credentials, 3rd party email compromise, etc. Modern AI generated attacks that bypass ordinary spam/phishing filters, require modern specialized solutions that provide this capability as their core objective: block Phishing before the inevitable compromise. Relying on Security Awareness isn't sufficient. Employees should be continuously trained and tested with simulations, however technological solutions should limit the amounts of Phishing attacks that the human should be trained to identify and report to the Security Teams for continuous fine tuning of the preventive solution.

Free 15 day Trial

Simplified   ISO 27001, NIS2, GDPR, DORA Compliance Program

Pro CISO® provides a practical solution to make ISO 27001, NIS2, GDPR compliance programs easy and actionable. Individually or all in one integrated program, with harmonization of controls. Guided by Pro CISO experts, customers will be able to achieve compliance through a swift and lightweight platform that can be directly integrated with Microsoft Teams. Policies will be built on the fly as you go, shared with stakeholders and tracked for acknowledgement. Reporting will demonstrate progress, issues and completion. Assets will be identified and classified. Incidents will be registered and tracked.

Dashlane Discounts

Dashlane Enterprise Password Manager

Promotion for purchasing Dashlane Password Manager for Business, with anti-Phishing features, true Single Sign On (SSO), Secure Sharing with MFA, Passkeys, alert for weak, re-used and compromised passwords on the Darkweb, Family & Friends and VPN included. 
Pro CISO® is the official reseller of Dashlane in The Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Nordics.

Free Sample Report

3rd party security risk monitoring services

Companies can immediately verify the objective security posture of their suppliers, replacing or integrating traditional (static) security questionnaires, with dynamic security scoring and incident monitoring.  Achieve compliance with regulations that require monitoring of 3rd parties, such as DORA and NIS2.  Pro CISO®'s managed service is based on SecurityScorecard's leading cybersecurity rating solution, providing customers the real-time security posture of their 3rd parties.

Contact us for the special offer