Pro CISO® Cybersecurity Insights

Sharing news, malware trends, bad actor activities, critical vulnerabilities, exploits from the Pro CISO® Threat Intelligence service.

Cybersecurity News

Cybersecurity news and alerts related to corporate and consumer digital products

"Stealer" malware is the new silent threat

"Stealer" malware is the new silent threat. Targeting anyone, both individuals and organizations, with the objective to harvest credentials and sensitive information from user devices and sell them on the Darkweb

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Phishing Infographic published by CISA

Phishing is one of the most successful entry points for attackers to compromise an organization. CISA provides an Infographic to help both individuals and companies to be more protected.

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Pro CISO® Threat Intelligence

Threat Intelligence is a core component of the cybersecurity strategy, providing insight into an organization's information that is circulating in the dark web forums/channels and open sources like social media. Pro CISO® delivers a comprehensive Threat Intelligence and Proactive Alerting service to promptly inform companies if their data has been leaked or if bad actors are targeting their infrastructure, their products or their services.